The right business card is essential if you’re starting a business or wanting to grow your current client network. To ensure you have the perfect business card, you need to order cards that catch the recipient’s attention and stand out from the sea of other business cards they receive. The key to making an impression is using custom business cards. Keep reading to learn more about why you should order custom business cards and get some design ideas.
Stand Out From the Competition
Everyone uses business cards, from large corporations to small one-person businesses, which means you have a lot of competition. If your business card is the same white paper rectangle as everyone else’s, there’s a good chance it will be quickly forgotten. Designing a unique card in a different shape or with bold colors catches the recipient’s attention and makes you stand out. Your card can prove that you and your business are unique, professional, and forward-thinking.
Make a Good First Impression
If you catch the recipient’s attention and stand out from the competition as soon as you hand over a business card, you’re making an excellent first impression. While your personality and delivery of the card matter, your card acts as a lasting reminder of who you are, so you want it to look amazing. A unique custom business card that shares all your pertinent information is the perfect way to give an impression that lasts.
Design Ideas
Depending on where you order your business cards, there are lots of unique options available that will make you stand out. Consider different business card shapes like squares, circles, and leaves. If you’re concerned that you won’t have enough space if you use these unique shapes, remember that business cards have a front and back, so you have plenty of space to utilize. You can also try different background and text colors from your company’s branding. Add pictures, such as a logo or personal image. Use other materials like plastic, wood, or metal. And consider unique accents like foil and gloss.
You don’t need to use all of these design ideas to have a unique business card. Using one unique element like shape or material or combining two smaller individual elements like color and foil accents should be enough to keep your card readable while standing out from the crowd.
Now you know why you should order custom business cards and what design options you should consider. As you grow your business, keep your custom cards on you, and you’ll always be ready to leave someone with a lasting first impression of who you are and what you do.