Work can be a hazard. Every day, people get injured on the job. And every year, thousands of people die from work-related injuries.
A system is in place to help those injured on the job; it’s called workers’ compensation. It is important to understand what you need to know about workers’ compensation and how it will impact you if you suffer from an injury.
What Is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ compensation is a system that helps those injured on the job. The program benefits employees who are injured or become ill due to workplace incidents. Workers’ compensation can help with medical expenses and lost wages.
In most cases, workers’ compensation is mandatory. This rule means employers must provide coverage for their employees. Employers typically pay for workers’ compensation through insurance.
There are a few exceptions to the rule. Some states allow employers to opt out of workers’ compensation. And in some cases, coverage might not extend to certain types of employees. For example, independent contractors are typically not covered by workers’ compensation.
How Does Workers’ Compensation Work?
You must notify your employer immediately if you suffer an injury. Your employer will then file a claim with their insurance company. Once they file the claim, the insurance company will begin investigating the claim. They will look at the facts of the case and determine if you are eligible for benefits.
If your claim is approved, you will receive benefits to help cover your medical expenses and lost wages. The benefits you receive will depend on your injury or illness severity. It is important to note that you likely cannot sue your employer for your injuries. Workers’ compensation is the sole remedy for workplace injuries.
However, if your employer intentionally harmed you or if a defective product caused your injury, you may be able to file a lawsuit. If you decide to meet with a workers’ compensation lawyer, prepare a list of questions to ask to ensure you cover every detail.
What Are the Benefits of Workers’ Compensation?
The benefits you receive from workers’ compensation will depend on your injury or illness severity. However, there are four main types of benefits that you will find.
Medical Benefits
Medical benefits can help you cover the cost of your treatment. This coverage can include hospital stays, surgeries, and doctor’s visits.
Lost Wages
You may be eligible for lost wage benefits if you cannot work because of your injury. These benefits can help you replace a portion of your lost income.
Death Benefits
If a workplace injury or illness results in death, surviving family members may be eligible for death benefits. These benefits can help with funeral costs and other expenses.
Rehabilitation Benefits
You may be eligible for rehabilitation benefits if you need help recovering from your injury. These benefits can cover the cost of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other services.
These are just a few benefits that may be available to you through workers’ compensation. Every state has its workers’ compensation laws, so it’s important to check with your workers’ compensation office to see what benefits you may be eligible to receive.