Best books for beginners to learn java. As Java is one of the top-notch programming languages, there is no scarcity of books written on the high-level, general-purpose programming language. Books are the first mode of learning. There are dozens and dozens of Java books on Amazon — it’s so easy to get lost! Some of them offer a quick overview of various concepts of Java, others go in-depth into specific topics on java.

The best java book for beginners
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1. Head First Java by Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates
The most important selling points of Head First Java is its simplicity and super-effective real-life analogies that pertain to the Java programming concepts.
You won’t immediately start to code after you read Head First Java, but you will understand without any difficulties the logic of this language and its main concepts. Each chapter ends with exercises and puzzles: they will help you memorize the material.Some important topics covered by Head First Java include common O mistakes, distributed programming with RMI and network sockets, and threads. Moreover, the book overs 42 mind-bending java puzzles that will ensure a better understanding of Java.
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2. Core Java Volume I — Fundamentals
Read it once and return to it anytime you need to refresh your knowledge. Each chapter of the book is devoted to a certain subject of the Java concepts, starting from introduction to the language and Java programming environment and moving to data structures, classes and objects, and so on.
The book helps Java programmers develop an ability to write highly robust and maintainable code
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3. Java: A Beginner’s Guide by Herbert Schildt
A Beginner’s Guide is fully revised to include Java 11 SE. The book offers several quiz section as well as a hands-on exercise at the end of every chapter to let the programmer self-evaluate their learning.
The Java book covers all concepts pertains to Core Java.This book helps in deeper understanding of Java origin topics and its relations to other programming languages.
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4. Effective Java is written by Joshua Bloch
A must-have book for every Java programmer and Java aspirant.This is not a book for a complete beginner but is must-read research for every Java developer.
The context of the latest edition of the book built around Java 7, 8, and 9.If you want to understand the inner processes and get a clue of how and why they are arranged this way, this book serves the purposes well.
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5. Think Java
This book for complete beginners will teach you how to think in code
It is more suitable for beginners than readers with even a small experience in coding. For starters, it is simple and kind of fun to read. Each chapter has the many exercises and vocabulary sections to consolidate theory and master the skill of programming thinking.
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Well, we’ve finally reached the end of our list of Best books for beginners to learn java. Claps for you being so curious!