There are a ton of misconceptions about our appliances, and it’s important to address them. Who wants to be ignorant of their appliance’s true capacity—or lack thereof? Knowledge is power, and in this case, lifting the wool of the most prevalent myths will help you gain a greater appreciation for the appliances you have in your kitchen. Check out our top three most common misconceptions about appliances below.
You Should Rinse Dishes Before Putting Them in the Dishwasher
Dishwashers come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you take advantage of dishwasher drawers or choose a freestanding model, dishwashers offer your kitchen versatility and convenience that you can’t beat. However, dishwashers also have a ton of myths associated with them. The most prevalent is that you must rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.
Rinsing dishes is second nature to most of us, but is it necessary? Not really. Most dishwasher detergents are designed to cling to food particles, making it easier for your dishwasher to clean your dishes. Simply scrape any large clumps of leftover food into the trash, and throw your dishes in the dishwasher. No need to do anything else.
Microwaves Emit Harmful Radiation
How many people have told us this myth? We even know a few people who put all their food in the oven. Well, microwaves indeed emit radiation. But it doesn’t harm us or the food we put in it at all. That radiation is essential to heating up our food. You can safely eat any food you put in the microwave because the radiation is negligible. It’s not strong enough to trigger mutations or cause electrons to be displaced. Unfortunately, this myth is also dangerous.
Microwaving your food helps mitigate any bacteria that may find their way into your dish. Sure, you can pop it in the oven, but naturally, this can take a much longer time than if you went the shorter route. Because of this, you might want to think twice about embracing this particular myth about microwaves.
Appliances Do Not Use Power on Standby Mode
Appliances in standby mode use a lot of energy, specifically if you’re putting multiple appliances in your home to sleep. Appliances use up energy in the household, and leaving them on standby can be detrimental to your energy bill. This is a common misconception about appliances, and in this case, what you don’t know can hurt you—and your energy bill. Now that you can separate fact from fiction, you’ll be in a much better place to make better appliance choices. Make those choices carefully, and you’ll be in much better shape in the long run. It’s important to keep these things in mind.