Donations should come from the heart. Giving to others shouldn’t conjure anxieties about not giving enough. While generous cash donations are helpful to organizations, they aren’t practical for everyone. There are many small donations you can make that have a big impact.
Perform Random Acts of Kindness
One of our favorite nonprofit organizations is Random Acts. Founded by actor Misha Collins, who played Castiel on the TV show Supernatural, this group dedicates itself to performing random acts of kindness to folks all around the globe, as the name suggests. They have a program called Class Act, which helps give money to students who submit stories about goodwill in the classroom.
A random act of kindness doesn’t have to be a monetary donation. Even outside of a nonprofit like Random Acts, you can make someone’s day better by a simple act of kindness, like paying them a compliment or holding a door. In addition to performing heart-based actions, Random Acts and other nonprofit organizations have the option of making small donations that have a big impact every time you shop via Amazon Smile.
Volunteer Your Time
Time is just as valuable as money. You don’t have to donate large amounts of money when you volunteer your time to nonprofits. When you choose to spend time at an organization you believe in, you will feel more fulfilled than when you donate with your wallet. Volunteering your time lets you help in an incredibly active way.
There are plenty of incredible places to volunteer. For example, if you’re an animal lover, you can try it at your local shelter, as many pets are in need. Who knows? You may even end up fostering or adopting a new four-legged friend when you open yourself up to these opportunities that do a world of good.
Donate Items From Around the House
Most folks collect more stuff than they know what to do with, so your bedroom closet might contain a treasure trove of donation-ready items. Parting with gently used clothes that you hardly ever wear will make a positive change in someone else’s life. Learn the difference between donation drop-offs and pickups, as clothing and other household items are eligible for either. These services make giving super convenient.
Large donations are always helpful, but they aren’t the only option for those who want to help others. Consider incorporating some kindness into your routine to make a difference today.