The best Life Changing Book you must read is The Five-Second Rule By Mel Robbins. The 5 Second Rule explains Mel Robbins’ simple tool to get things done and get anything you want and how it helps you beat feelings, stop waiting & act.

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This is a book for action takers so let get into it without wasting time. This book is recognized as one of the best Life Changing Book for people who want to achieve success in their life.
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Try and read this article till the end because lesson number 3 can change your life.
Life Changing Book : The Five-Second Rule By Mel Robbins a brief summary
Lesson No. 1
Never wait for the right time to act, it may never come. Remember Steve Wozniak? Yes, he is the co-founder of Apple. He dropped out of school and landed a job with Hewlett Packard, a major computer company. In his home garage, he developed a personal computer that he knew would revolutionize the computer industry. Wozniak presented the prototype to HP to develop, it was flatly rejected. When he and Steve Jobs were offered $1,300 as funding to start their own business in 1977, he became somewhat uncertain. Wozniak wanted to hold off for a while. He was worried about quitting his day job until his friends convinced him to take the leap, thus Apple Computers was born. Within three years, Apple’s sales grew to over $100 million. Wozniak certainly reaped the rewards the world has to offer to those who stop playing the waiting game.
Most people of the world are what we call “waiters”, they wait and procrastinate till it’s too late for them.
“One day, I’ll start a business”
“One day, I’ll learn a new language”
“One day, One day” and one day never comes because of the fear that holds them. Stop being afraid of the unknown. Get out and the universe will hold your hands.
Yes, you’ll make mistakes and fail but that’s fine because you’ll get over it and end up a successful person.
Stop waiting! Start running! This is the first life changing step in this book a must-read for people who want to take action.
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Lesson No. 2.
Another life-changing book lesson. Think before you act. Don’t be rash in taking decisions and actions. In one of my businesses, we help graduate students with their academic thesis. We perfected one of those thesis, which actually was a hard nut to crack, but which we eventually got around. Our client went through it with few of her colleagues; one of them outrightly condemned our approach to the thesis, citing how they have seen others do their own. Our client therefore returned and rejected the research work, and asked for a complete refund. Considering the fund we have committed to the research work, the time, the cost of each expert consulted, and knowing that what they were comparing our work with was pure scrap, I felt this hot anger swelling up from within me, fast reaching the bursting point. I have to get a hold of myself to act deliberately, and not just react. I called my client and took pain to explain what we believed is expected of the thesis, our approach, and how we were able to arrive at the conclusions. We thank her for her time, gave her the complete refund, and said goodbye. Two days later, she was back to ask for the research work, returned the payment, and also brought to us close to a dozen of her colleagues who will want us to help them with their thesis work too. She didn’t think before she acted.
While this book is about taking action, it’s not about being foolish. While you need to be proactive, you still have to invest some thoughts into your actions, only be very careful of analyses paralysis.
Think first but think fast and act fast.
Lesson 3:
The most important life-changing lesson in the book. You might not be able to control your feelings, or things that happen around you, but you can definitely control your actions. It was October 1968 when the first Olympic Games were being staged in Latin America. Out of 74 participants, 17 could not finish the race. At 7 pm, it was almost an hour since all marathon runners had crossed the finishing line of 26 mile Olympic marathon, suddenly alone runner wearing the colors of Tanzania emerged through the stadium gate literally hobbling. This left the last few thousand audiences amazed with what they experienced next – the man who emerged was John Stephen Akhwari who, while running, had fallen down and had badly hurt himself. He was bleeding and his knee had got dislocated from the joint. Considering the severity of his injuries, Akhwari was repeatedly asked to quit the race but he denied it. He fell, dragged himself, ran in between but finished the marathon limping over the line. On the finishing line, he received huge applause and almighty cheers from the little crowd. His body was exhausted but not his spirit. When he was asked the reason for doing such kind of crazy act, he replied, “My country did not send me 10,000 miles just to start the race; they sent me to finish the race.” Nobody remembers the name of the winner in that race. Akhwari had received numerous awards and had been invited to all other Olympics as Sports Ambassador.
Many times we think we are victims of our circumstances but that’s not true. No matter what happens around you, you have some level of control over your actions.
Make no excuses. Take actions.
Lesson No. 4:
Postponing important works would get you nowhere. The worst moments in life are the moments of weakness and sickness. I feel terrible anytime I fall sick When I was younger, and I am down with a sickness, we will be given medications to deal with the ailment but we chose not to take them on time, or out-rightly throw them away – thereby prolonging the duration of the sickness.
At a point in time, mum will bring those coloured bitter medications while dad will be standing by the door with that look I very well understand on his face. I know at those times, I can’t escape the drug. But with time, my siblings and I developed a strategy to help us in times like this – we make a countdown from five to zero. At the count of zero, the cup must be empty. When we avoid getting things done that ought to be done, even when we know that serious trouble will follow, it’s destructive. As taught in FIVE SECOND RULE, to get past that moment of indecision, take a deep breath, count down from five, and resolve to do something meaningful with your time.
Lesson No. 5
Just Do It! The best way to complete a task is to “just get started,” Life begins as a locomotive, time and habits make it automatic. Though the average car can run at 160Km/hr, check the speedometer when it’s ready to move. It has to move first from point 0, then climb steadily to 25km/hr, 50km/hr, 100km/hr, then to any suicidal speed the driver desires. Have you ever seen a plane flying? Notwithstanding that the specified speed of a commercial plane, it has to run first before flying. Have you ever seen a locomotive train taking off?
The noise.
The pressure.
The push.
The pain.
Even the man in the control room feels the work being done. Despite the noise of the train, he is determined to move it. Despite the pressure against the train, he is determined to move it. Despite the pain and the push, he is determined to move the train. But it is just for some time. When the train gains momentum, it assumes a life of its own, taking you to your home.
This is a very important lesson from the Five Second Rule; No matter what you wish to do, get started, even though the beginning is rough.
Special bonus Thank you so much for reading.
Mel Robbins’ quotes:
“If you only ever did the things you don’t want to do, you’d have everything you’ve ever wanted.”
To have everything you want out of life, you must endure the pains of doing what you really don’t feel like doing. Go out today and do what you don’t want to do. If you love this article, our team will be VERY happy if you like and share this article with your friends on social media.
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