Why do you need a mentor? Well, they can help you avoid years of mistakes on your success journey. In this article, you will learn how to find a mentor. It’s been said 200 to 500 books make one good mentor. You’ve probably heard people like Tyler Lopez throwing this kind of advice around. The second reason is that the world’s most successful people had mentors, including billionaire Warren Buffet, founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, good old zucks.

So what on earth qualifies me to give you a guide on mentorship? Well not only do I have a mentor but I also mentor other creators and I have people asking me to be their mentor. So next up, who should be your mentor? Well, when you’re looking for potential mentors ask yourself, would I trade places with them? If yes, great, if no, keep searching.
The next thing is to get their attention otherwise they’ll never know you exist right? Now there are a million and one ways to attract their attention, believe me. One way is to send them a message on the social media platform that they use most. If you wanted Gary V as your mentor don’t send him an email or a youtube message, send him a message on Twitter dude, or Instagram.
Now if you’ve been paying attention these are the platforms he’s most likely to respond to you on. Another way is to build something so valuable that you naturally attract mentors. For me, this was my this website.
After six months my page views and subs were growing fast, entrepreneurs in a Facebook group I was in began to notice me. Now the next thing to do is to offer them value, this is extremely important, please write this down.
Three effective ways to do this, number one put them in front of eyeballs, everybody loves attention. Attention is a new currency so it’s extremely valuable if you can give your potential mentor an opportunity to get in front of your thousands of social media followers. It takes a while to learn how to build an audience but once you do, you realize it’s an invaluable asset that keeps on giving.
The benefits of a social media following warrant a separate video because there are too many to name. Now if you’re thinking oh man I don’t have the time to build a social media following well let me just say that you don’t even need thousands like I do, you know even hundreds if they’re hyper-targeted individuals in a very niche market then you may be able to get away with that but again, I can’t promise anything.
Anyway another thing to do is to offer to work them for free. Okay so a year ago I offered an influencer to run his Facebook page for free, I really looked up to this guy. Although he didn’t accept he was pleased that I wasn’t part of the 99 percent of the other leechers who were just thinking about themselves. Anyway so now I’m on this dude’s radar and I keep hanging out in his Facebook group and then one day out of nowhere, bam he invites me to a google hangout at like 2 am in the morning and the rest is history.
He is now my mentor to this day.
He is now my mentor to this day. Another thing you can do is create something for them. So a guy called Allen Palin created animated videos for the comedian Bill Burr and ended up getting noticed by him. He now works for Bill Burr.
So now that you got a mentor how do you keep them?
Well, what you wanna do to treat your mentor like they should be is execute on their advice. This is extremely important, no mentor wants a menty where they spend their precious time giving you advice only to see you don’t fucking take any action on it, okay.
That is the worst thing you can do to pay respect to your mentor. No mentor wants to put their time and energy into you only to see you don’t do anything.
Now also understand that mentors aren’t there to hold your hand. Let me repeat that, mentors are not there to hold your hand. Don’t blame your mentors for not getting results. Don’t expect them to be in touch with you every single day. They act as a guide and you are the one that is ultimately responsible for your success.
So ultimately if there was just one single thing you took away from this article, it’s that you just need to simply understand that getting a mentor is about offering value and building a relationship okay? It’s not, don’t just email someone and go can you be my mentor? That is the equivalent of just going up to a girl in the street and saying hey, can you be my girlfriend? So I mean how do you think that’s gonna turn out?
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