Conserving energy at home doesn’t just save you money, though that is certainly a popular perk. Using less energy also places less strain on the environment around you and reduces your need for valuable natural resources. Try these five handy tips for conserving the energy you use at home to start living a greener, more environmentally friendly life without sacrificing comfort.
Use Low-Flow Plumbing Fixtures
You’ve probably heard about low-flow toilets before—since 1992, all new toilets sold in the US have been of the low-flow variety. But did you know you can also reduce your home’s water waste by installing water-saving faucets and shower heads? Reducing the amount of water you waste at home helps you conserve that valuable resource.
Install Dimmer Switches for Lighting
How much bright, artificial light do you really need in your home? Standard light switches force you to choose between intense, energy-wasting light and no light at all. A dimmer switch, meanwhile, allows you to customize the amount of energy you use to light your home.
Good To Know:
Dimmer switches also extend the lifespan of your lightbulbs, so you won’t need to replace them nearly as often.
Only Wash Full Loads
Your washing machine and dishwasher are major users of energy, and it’s often unavoidable—you need clean clothes and dishes! However, you should try to avoid using the washing machine for a few t-shirts, or the dishwasher for a single frying pan. To conserve energy, wait until a machine is fully loaded before turning it on.
Warm Up By Layering
During the colder months, you may be tempted to crank up the thermostat to stay toasty indoors. But do you really need to turn it up that high? Throw on a sweater and some socks if you’re cold, and only raise your indoor temperature if you absolutely need to.
Seal Your Air Ducts
Your home’s HVAC system uses a great deal of energy to keep your home heated and cooled as necessary. But if your air ducts are leaking, you’re losing a lot of that air and wasting energy. Have your HVAC system inspected twice a year, and if there are any holes or cracks in your ducts, ask the technician to seal them up.
Be kind to your environment and mindful of the natural resources you use by conserving your household’s energy usage. These tips will help you save valuable energy—and money—without doing away with basic home comforts.