Reading is great for our brains, whether we’re doing so for a class, as part of our faith, or just for fun. To get the most out of our readings, we should take notes. Notes allow us to look back on what we’re learning from the text, as well as questions we might have about the content. There are various methods for note-taking, and each has its merits. Keep reading to discover three helpful tips for taking notes while reading, no matter what method you use.
Skim First
If you’re worried you won’t understand the reading, you can always skim it first. This step introduces you to important themes, new vocabulary, the author’s voice, and more, ensuring you can start processing this information before you dive in.
Many people who struggle to focus or are reading a new subject find the skimming process beneficial. You can write notes during the skimming process to help you remember what you’ve already learned, or you can just skim and take notes during your more thorough reading.
Write in the Text
Depending on how you grew up, you might think it’s near-sacrilegious to write in a book. However, this book contains the subject you’re learning about, even if it’s just a fun reading book, and the text is the subject of your notes.
Including your notes in the text is far easier than keeping them separate. Some books, such as note-taking Bibles, even have sections or extra wide margins for note-taking. Making notations while reading is an essential tip for Bible beginners and for anyone trying to get the most out of their reading. Writing in the text makes those notes even easier to access in the future as well.
Limit Your Notes
Even if you’re note-taking for a class, you don’t need to write everything down. Trying to mention everything makes it more difficult for you to study your notes in the future. Keep your notes brief and focused on the main ideas and concepts. You’ll also want to leave room for things such as new vocabulary.
Limit any highlighting or underlining you do in the text as well. Highlighting or underlining too many areas will make it difficult for you to discern what’s essential.
These three helpful tips for taking notes while reading will help you get the most out of your next reading adventure. Writing down what you’re learning and the insights you gain will help improve your memory and make the re-reading experience even more exciting.